
We’re just two guys who like BBQ.

There’s a bit more to it than that but that’s the important part.

We came up with the name “Code Up” because both of us deal with code in our professional lives. One of us deals with building safety codes and the other with computer code. That’s something else you might want to know about us; we’re totally different, but we have just enough in common to get along. Sometimes you don’t need much.

We’re still pretty new at BBQ and we realized that there is loads if information about BBQ on the interwebs but not all of the info we found matches up. Some folks say “do xyz” and other folks say “don’t do xyz” and what we really want to know is “what does xyz even do and why is it good or bad?”

There’s a ton of folks out there that will tell you the what and some folks will tell you the how , but not enough people out there that will tell you the why. And that is precisely why we started Code Up BBQ.

We hope you like it.